Block and components.


Block and components.

Sometimes we get that we have a cambelt that snaps and one thing leads to another and then well you end up doing a engine overhaul.

Today we are not really going to focus on the engine overhaul as much as the block and the components inside it and why this is such a critical part of your car.

I really can relate with people that do not understand the everyday challenges and terms that technicians use sometimes.

SO lets start with the basics Q AND A .


What is the purpose of an engine block?

The purpose of the engine block is to support the components of the engine. Additionally, the engine block transfers heat from friction to the atmosphere and engine coolant. The material selected for the engine block is either grey cast iron or aluminium alloy.



Where is the engine block located?

Crankcase. Almost all modern engine blocks have an area at the bottom which houses the crankshaft . This area that surrounds the crankshaft is called the crankcase .


What is the difference between an engine and an engine block?

An engine block is the structure which contains the cylinders, and other parts, of an internal combustion engine. … Modern engine blocks typically have the crankcase integrated with the cylinder block as a single component. Engine blocks often also include elements such as coolant passages and oil galleries.


What are the major components of an engine?

Let’s take a look at the main parts of the engine.

·         Engine block. The block is the main part of the engine. …

·         Pistons. Pistons pump up and down as the spark plugs fire and the pistons compress the air/fuel mix. …

·         Cylinder head. …

·         Crankshaft. …

·         Camshaft. …

·         Valves. …

·         Oil pan.


The main functions of the cylinder block are: Maintaining the engine’s stability and lubrication while withstanding a variety of temperatures and loads. Transferring oil to all parts of the engine, lubricating all the critical components, via a number of oil galleries


The term “cylinder block” is often used interchangeably with engine block, although technically the block of a modern engine (i.e. multiple cylinders in a single component) would be classified as a monobloc. Another common term for an engine block is simply “block”.

Cylinder blocks

A cylinder block is the structure which contains the cylinder, plus any cylinder sleeves and coolant passages. In the earliest decades of internal combustion engine development, cylinders were usually cast individually, so cylinder blocks were usually produced individually for each cylinder. Following that, engines began to combine two or three cylinders into a single cylinder block, with an engine combining several of these cylinder blocks combined together.

In early engines with multiple cylinder banks — such as a V6V8 or flat-6 engine — each bank was typically a separate cylinder block (or multiple blocks per bank). Since the 1930s, mass production methods have developed to allow both banks of cylinders to be integrated into the same cylinder block.

Cylinder liners

Wet liner cylinder blocks use cylinder walls that are entirely removable, which fit into the block by means of special gaskets. They are referred to as “wet liners” because their outer sides come in direct contact with the engine’s coolant. In other words, the liner is the entire wall, rather than being merely a sleeve.

Advantages of wet liners are a lower mass, reduced space requirement and that the coolant liquid is heated quicker from a cold start, which reduces start-up fuel consumption and provides heating for the car cabin sooner.

Dry liner cylinder blocks use either the block’s material or a discrete liner inserted into the block to form the backbone of the cylinder wall. Additional sleeves are inserted within, which remain “dry” on their outside, surrounded by the block’s material.

For either wet or dry liner designs, the liners (or sleeves) can be replaced, potentially allowing overhaul or rebuild without replacement of the block itself, although this is often not a practical repair option.

Coolant passages

Oil passages



Vagspeccentre Menlyn offers the Following services

Minor, Interval and Major Services





DSG Specialist




Engine and Gearbox Overhauls

Brake Pads and Discs Replacements

Clutch Kit Replacements

CV Joints and Driveshafts

Turbo replacements

Turbo Performance Upgrades

Aircon Regas and Repairs


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